California’s Lemon Law, the Song-Beverly Consumer Warranty Act, provides a remedy to consumers who are stuck with a defective vehicle, defective RV, defective motor home, defective boat or a defective motorcycle.

Generally, the California Lemon Law applies when the repair facility has been unable to repair the same defect in a defective vehicle within a reasonable number of attempts within the warranty period.

The California Lemon Law also requires that a defective vehicle be repaired within a certain time frame regardless of the number of attempts. For qualifying vehicles, the vehicle manufacturer or distributor must give the consumer his or her money back and pay off the outstanding loan balance or replace the vehicle with the same or similar model.

About our California Lemon law Attorneys

The Law Offices of Larry R. Hoddick, P.C. provides free case evaluation, document review, and attorney consultation regarding consumers’ rights under the California Lemon Law. Either in person or over the phone, we will fully explain the legal issues and procedures to you at no charge. After consulting with our office, you will have a better understanding of the merits of your case and of what is involved in the California Lemon Law process.

We have been successful in settling over 98% of the Lemon Law cases that we have been retained to prosecute. Should you retain our services, your case will be handled professionally, aggressively and in a manner that will get you the maximum recovery in the shortest possible time-frame.

Once our attorneys are able to achieve a judgment at trial, or pre-trial settlement, the California Lemon Law requires the defendants to pay the consumer’s attorney’s fees as the prevailing party; however, the consumer is not liable for the defendant’s attorney’s fees if he or she does not prevail. The one-way attorney’s fee provision in the California Lemon Law allows our attorneys to take your case on a contingency fee basis with no up from money from you. We are able to advance your costs of suit and always provide a free consultation.

Litigating and resolving consumer law disputes requires not only knowledge of the substantive law, but also a recognition of the tactics commonly used by the defense bar representing the manufacturers and dealers.

Our experience is not limited to the courtroom. In order to deliver the best possible representation to our clients, we focus on resolving consumer law disputes in the shortest possible time frame. By settling most matters prior to trial, we are able to resolve cases in months, instead of years.

Not surprisingly, the consumer litigation arena has attracted a number of large defense firms who specialize in this field. Manufacturers and dealers allocate substantial resources to avoiding their obligations to repurchase and/or replace vehicles under the California Lemon Law and the consumer fraud statutes. Our attorneys have a broad knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses and litigation styles of the defense bar firms who represent the manufacturers and dealers. Knowing the litigation proclivities of our legal adversaries has proven to be exceptionally advantageous to our clients. Complete the form in this page and our offices will be in contact to discuss the details of your case under no obligation to you.

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